Faith and Festivities: My First Eid al-Adha in Auckland

Hi friends! For Muslims around the world, a few days ago, we just celebrated one crucial event. 10 Dzulhijjah is our Eid-al Adha Day. Eid Al Adha Mubarak to all my Muslim/Muslimah friends! Hope all of us can increase our faith. May Allah bless all of us with peace, happiness, and meaningful life.

I want to share my first Eid al-Adha in Auckland in this article. It is the first time I celebrate Eid al-Adha without my family. It feels different, yet familiar. I miss some moments but feel blessed to have new experiences. Happy reading!

Faith and Festivities - My First Eid al-Adha in Auckland
Faith and Festivities - My First Eid al-Adha in Auckland

Somethings are Missing

For almost a month, I have been living in Auckland. Indeed, I am falling in love with this city. The pleasant fresh air, beautiful sceneries, and not-too-crowded environment have captured my heart. I am also enthusiastic about starting my studies here. Unfortunately, besides missing my family, as a Muslim, something significant is missing in my life: the sound of azan.

Since the time I left Indonesia, the only azan I have heard has been from my devices, like my smartphone and laptop. I also cannot hear the voices of people reciting Al-Quran before or after prayer times. Then, a few days ago, I couldn’t hear Takbeer the night before Eid Day. When I was in Indonesia, I could hear it clearly through the night and on the way to the Masjid (Mosque) for prayer in the morning.

Eid al-Adha Prayer in Freemans Bay

Eid al-Adha in New Zealand occurred on 18th June 2024. A day later than in Indonesia. It was interesting when I said Eid Mubarak to my family and friends in Indonesia on 17th June, and they said it back to me the next day.

There were some spots for Eid al-Adha prayer in Auckland. There was even one nearby, at the AUT campus. However, my friends and I went to the Freemans Bay. I went with 3 of my friends, Ayes (one of my flatmates, I believe you will see her name a lot in my articles from now), Mrs Prima (my PhD fellow, it seems I will mention her here and there too), and Rifka (Ayes’s friend, now my friend too).

From my apartment to Freemans Bay, we walked for 5 minutes to the bus stop, travelled by bus for 15 minutes, and then walked again from the bus stop to the venue for around 10 minutes. So, why did we travel for half an hour rather than the closer one to pray?

Eid al-Adha - Walking to the Venue
Eid al-Adha - Freemans Bay, 18 June 2024 (personal doc.)

It was because the Eid al-Adha prayer in Freemans Bay was held by the HUMIA (Himpunan Umat Muslim Indonesia Auckland) or Indonesian Muslim Society Auckland. We wanted to meet other Indonesian friends and obviously to get free food (oops, kidding . . . maybe).

The prayer was held in the Freemans Bay Community Centre. Indeed, it was not a Masjid. However, the committee succeeded in transforming it for praying and gathering purposes. It surprised me that many people were attending the event. Not only Indonesians but also people of other ethnicities. The languages I heard were English and Indonesian. And after a long time, I finally listened to the Takbeer there.

“Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La Ilaha Ilallah Wallahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Wa Lillahil Hamd.” (Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no deity (no god) besides Allah and Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest and to Allah, all praises belong).

Eid al-Adha - Before Eid Prayer
Eid al-Adha - Before Eid Prayer, 18 June 2024 (personal doc.)

Happiness with Friends . . . and Food

Besides Ayes, Mrs Prima, and Rifka. I met several people with familiar faces there. But I also finally met with some people I had only heard about or just ever chatted with, like Adis and Ira. Then, I also make friends with a cute little toddler, Zi, who is Adis’ daughter. Honestly, my favourite. LOL. They are sorta of my extended family now.

What should I talk more about? Food. That’s the tradition, right? Prayer, meeting family and friends, and then having food that is festive! They served rice, grilled ribs, meat soup, salads, fruits, and traditional snacks. Oh, also sausages for the kiddos.

Let me share my silly experience. In Indonesia (at least based on my experience), the grilled ribs were usually beef, and the soup was lambs. So, when I grabbed some food at the event, I only grabbed the grilled ribs and salad. I don’t like lamb (because of the smell), and I am also not supposed to take it (heart condition-related). But, while enjoying my food, Mrs Prima told me that the grilled ribs were lamb. I should stop, but I didn’t. I am okay, though, alhamdulillah. The ribs were too delicious to stop 😂

Eid al-Adha - Grilled Ribs
Eid al-Adha - Grilled Ribs, 18 June 2024 (personal doc.)

So, I miss many things from my home country, especially family, azan's sound, and Eid Day's vibes. However, I feel grateful that I get the opportunity to explore and live in Auckland. Moral of the story: First, always feel thankful. Second, I want to explore, experience, and meet new people. You might be surprised that you will be friends. Third, don’t assume! Ask first before you grab anything to eat. However, I cannot lie about the fact that the grilled ribs were tasty, and I cannot feel remorse for my decision. LOL.

Auckland, New Zealand
Friday 21 June 2024, 10.35

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